
200 Reviews

Lassi is a sweet refreshing beverage. It works wonderfully on summer or when its hot. In north India, its one of the favourite beverages consumed. Lets learn how to make this wonderful beverage in a quick.

Nutrition Facts

Per Serving: 203 calories; fat 0.1g; sodium 11.4mg; carbohydrates 28.5g; protein 0.2g


Lassi is a sweet refreshing beverage. It works wonderfully on summer or when its hot. In north India, its one of the favourite beverages consumed. Lets learn how to make this wonderful beverage in a quick.



Step 1
Prepare to make Dahi

The first step is to make Curd/Dahi. To begin, take a bowl. Here we have taken a Earthen bowl. You may use a wooden pot or a metal one too.

Step 2
Add a little Dahi or Culture

Tear your Primerie milk pouch and boil it. Let it cool but still much warmer. Now pour the milk on the bowl. Learn here to make thick and creamy curd.

Step 3
Dahi is ready

You Dahi/curd is ready. The more creamier the curd, the better the chaas will be.

Step 4
Add a little Milk

Now, add a little Milk to the curd. The amount of Milk totally depend on your preference and how much diluted you want your Lassi to be. We suggest only 1 part water in 10parts of dahi.

Step 5
Add Sugar/Powdered Sugar for sweetness

Now, add sugar granules or powdered sugar to the Diluted Dahi. The amount of sugar depends upon how sweet you want your lassi to be.

Step 6
Churn the Dahi

Take a wood churner. You can use electric blender as well. This is a traditional way and the slow churning with wooden churner allows to blend well and preserve the taste.

Step 7
Produce good froth

Churn till a good amount of froth appears above the mix.

Step 8
Serve it fresh

You can serve it freshly by adding dry fruits, cream, rose petals or anything you like it appear it fresh and beautiful.



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